Jabong – Virtual Ramp Walk


Augmented Reality AR Ramp Walk for Jabong To celebrate Jabong’s presence in Lakme India fashion week, Digital jalebi and team Jabong came up with an innovative thought.”What if we give everyone a chance to be on the ramp”. We created an augmented ramp walk for Jabong celebrating everyone coming to the event. The ramp walk was aimed to give a 5D experience with directional sound, camera flashes and augmented content on the screen. People were invited to walk on the ramp and experience as if they were walking the Lakme fashion week ramp. Finally they are invited to pose and get an image clicked. The image was then available on tablets for them to share it across social media.

Digital Jalebi Lakme Week Ramp Walk
Digital Jalebi Lakme Week Ramp Walk
Digital Jalebi Lakme Week Ramp Walk
Digital Jalebi Lakme Week Ramp Walk
Digital Jalebi Lakme Week Ramp Walk